TranZit Basics

TranZit is a new Zombies Game Mode in Black Ops II. It allows players to travel from area to area, solving the mystery as to why they're there.
This game mode is similar to Survival because players still fight Zombies and have waves. The difference is the objective that needs to be completed while fighting the Zombies, just like the big Easter Eggs in past Zombie maps.


Survival is the same as it always has been. For more information on tactics and basics, see Survival Basics.

Build-able Items

In addition to the grand objective, many helpful items can be built when entering each area of the map. To build an item players must first find a table with a blue print over it. Next, find pieces around the area to place on the blue print table. Only one piece can be carried at a time by a player. Once all pieces are together on the blue print table, the newly created item can be picked up and used. Just like the pieces, only one item can be held by one player.

If a player holding a piece for an item when they are downed, they will drop it directly where they went down.


A Bus driven by a robot will take players from area to area. When it's ready to go, it will honk its horn. This is the only way to really travel from area to area. If players attempt to walk through the mist, Denizens will attack them, or they may be injured by other elements on the map.
While in the bus, zombies will attack from the outside. Barriers are set up on each window, but once the barriers are down, zombies will enter the bus and attack. If zombies enter the bus while it's driving, try to stay in the back of the bus. When the zombies drop Power Ups they will fly to the back of the bus and out the other end.
The bus can be upgraded with three parts. These parts can be found behind doors that require a source of power to open.

Parts Attach To Description
Train Grill Front Stops zombies from entering through the front window.
Ladder Left Back Side Allows players to climb to the roof of the bus from outside.
Hatchdoor Inside Opens the roof for players to enter/leave the bus.

The bus will wait for players to explore an area for a set amount of time. If they take longer than the allotted time, it will drive off for a few minutes. Do not kill zombies unless you need the points! It's best to make a crawler and wait for the bus to return.
If the area doesn't need exploring, exit out and re-enter the bus. Make sure to close the doors.

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